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Public Works Director

Tad Hardbarger


State Maintained Roadways

West Brandywine Township has over 21 miles of roadway throughout the Township that is owned and maintained by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. To report a pothole, hazard or safety concern on any of the roadways listed below you can contact Penn Dot directly at 1-800-Fix-Road or through their Customer Care Portal at  When reporting a pothole or hazard please be descript and provide an address or cross street information when possible.

  • HIBERNIA ROAD                           MANOR ROAD (SR 82)                 SPRINGTON ROAD  
  • HORSESHOE PIKE (US 322)          N MANOR ROAD (SR 82)             SWINEHART ROAD
  • E KINGS HIGHWAY (SR 340)         REECEVILLE ROAD                        WAGONTOWN ROAD

Street Listing:

State Roads highlighted Yellow, Private Roads highlighted Blue, Township Roads white

Trees and Vegetation

The Township has an obligation to provide clear and passable roadways throughout the Township. With the natural growth of trees and vegetation, they must be periodically pruned back from the roadways. Please check the road frontage of your property to see if your trees or shrubs may be overhanging the road. The Township Road Department will be cutting back overhanging branches, brush, and vegetation as required. If you have trees or shrubs that you would prefer to prune back yourself, please use the following as a guide:

  • Tree branches and bushes should be clear of the road edge by a minimum of two feet (24 inches) and that clearance should extend to ten (10 ft) in height.
  • New Plantings, i.e. trees, shrubs, etc. should not be planted within the Road Right of Way!! Please contact the Township Zoning Office to these specifications PRIOR to planting to avoid excess work.

Note: Small shrubs and small trees don’t stay small, they only get bigger.

PennDOT Road Maintenance

PennDOT Maintenance Shoulder Maintenance & Side Dozing

Fall Leaf Pick Up Information

Street List by Section Bagged Leaf streets are Hi-Lighted Yellow