2024 Fall Leaf Pickup Schedule & Information

Leaves placed correctly
Leaves placed correctly
Incorrect placement of leaves
The Leaf collection program is scheduled to take place for six weeks in the fall. The Township is divided into three sections. Each section is collected two times each fall. Public Works Department begins leaf collection on the designated assigned section and continues throughout the week until the entire section is completed - weather pending. (Leaves may not be picked up on your designated Monday due to uncontrollable circumstances such as weather, equipment failure, and volume of leaves.)
Mark your Calendar - Fall Leaf Collection Dates
Residents in Leaf Vacuum Areas - the left photo on above shows correct leaf placement and the photo on the right shows incorrect leaf placement.
While we enjoy the beauty of the “Rolling Hills” of Chester County They are an issue when leaves are placed in the street for collection. When it rains and washes them onto the storm water inlets, it can cause flooding issues. Place your Leaves in a ROW on the GRASS side of the curb, or off the asphalt part of the road (where curbs do not exist).
“Leaf Vacuum” service will occur in subdivisions only. Unfortunately the Leaf Vacuum truck only fits on subdivision streets.
The Township is divided into three sections for leaf pick-up.
Bagged Leaves - Leaves must be in brown biodegradable bags and not weigh more than 50 pounds. Please don't overstuff bags. Our public works employees need to be able to pick them up and load them onto a truck. When the leaves get damp, they are heavier to lift.