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Notice 10-08-2024 : For link to the Trails & OSRC meeting for October 10th, see below under News & Notices. PC meeting has been cancelled due to no quorum.

West Brandywine Township Zoning Hearing Notice


Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of West Brandywine Township will hold a public hearing at the Township Building, 198 Lafayette Road (at the intersection of Hibernia Road), Coatesville, PA  19320, at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, on the following Applications: 

  • No. 24-03.  Applicant:  Pickering Valley Contractors, Inc.  
    Property: 1800 & 1804 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook, PA.  This application seeks a Special Exception pursuant to Section 200-44.B of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the operation of a retail storage facility.  The Property is zoning LI Limited Industrial. 
  • No. 24-04.  Applicant:  Allem/Bentley Properties, LLC. Property:  1382-84 Manor Road, Honey Brook, PA.  This application seeks a variance from Section 200-126 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit two signs at a driveway entrance where the ordinance allows only one.  The Property is zoned R-2 Residential and General Commercial Overlay. 


Solicitor, Zoning Hearing Board

West Brandywine Township